Farnsworth Group, Inc. has been selected to present at
the AABC Commissioning Group (ACG) 9th Annual Conference on Total Building
Commissioning to be held in Chicago April 16-19th, 2013. Brian Davie (Normal, IL) and Josh Hickman (Rancho
Cucamonga, CA) will be discussing such topics as Building Enclosure
Commissioning along with future requirements of the LEED rating systems.
Our expertise in the field of both commissioning and LEED
navigation will provide the base for a comprehensive and interactive
presentation. We will review the benefits and importance of Enclosure Commissioning,
along with multiple real project examples.
Conference participants will leave with an understanding of how to
implement Building Enclosure Commissioning as well as informative lessons
Another topic of conversation will be how Building Enclosure
Commissioning fits into the typical Commissioning and LEED version 4.0
processes. Multiple project case studies will be utilized including: New
Orleans Schools, a University near St. Louis, MO, a Healthcare project in
Peoria, IL, and a Department of Natural Resources project in Spooner, WI. Thus,
a broad spectrum of project types will be explored to highlight the strategies,
benefits, complexities, and lessons learned.
Our team will also discuss opportunities for cost
effective implementation measures and the benefits of including certain
requirements upfront in the design phase. The methods used to functionally test
the enclosure will be discussed and the tasks outlined. Cost is often a big concern for typical
commissioning, let alone adding additional systems such as the building
Myths, concerns and accuracies will be outlined and
discussed to allow for a realistic picture for project teams. A discussion will
ensue on means and methods to reduce cost while maintaining the integrity of
the commissioning process and the owner’s goals for a project. Our experience will be leveraged to lead a
conversation to help ease project teams’ concerns about Building Envelope Commissioning.
Selection to present at the ACG annual conference is
proof of our experience and of our dedication to ongoing efficiency within the
built environment. If you would like to
learn more about envelope commissioning, come by and see us at the ACG
conference or email Josh Hickman at jhickman@f-w.com.