Pipeline site
related projects often pose unique environment permitting issues. Aside from the typical land disturbance,
endangered species, archeological and discharge permits that impact most
construction projects, pipeline sites may be subject to Spill Prevention
Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulations.
These regulations can be tricky to navigate through, especially since
the SPCC regulations have only been fully in effect since 2010.

Impacts to a
site’s SPCC can be particularly tricky for projects that do not impact oil
storage. Any project that involves
below grade work of any kind could impact the site’s plan for managing spills. Secondary containment measures are the most
common site feature to impact SPCCs. All
diked areas within a facility around oil storage containers (including large
electrical transformers) should be designed to contain a specific volume. It is important that any berms or dikes
disturbed by a project be fully restored to their original condition as soon as
possible within a project’s timeline.
Collection of additional topographic survey data may be prudent to
ensure the site is properly restored, especially if a section of a dike wall
had to be disturbed for the installation of improvements, or if something is
constructed within a diked area.
Contractors and facility operators should also be cautioned when
‘dressing up’ diked areas with gravel or spreading excess fill to avoid
transporting soil off site. This
additional material can cause secondary containment to become undersized.
Also as part
of the SPCC, site drainage is considered.
In the event of a spill, oil will pool anywhere stormwater does. If a project involves changing the site’s
drainage patterns, the SPCC may need to be revised/updated. Even if no alterations are planned, it is
important that the contractor understand the importance of returning sites to
their original grade/condition. Often
contractors bring in extra gravel or spread excess excavated material on site
and ‘make it look pretty’ without any consideration to the site’s drainage
patterns. After years of various
projects/improves, it is not uncommon for sites to end up with significant
extra fill material in some areas and drainage plans that no longer properly
function as a result.
Working at
pipeline sites often involves many special considerations. Because of the nature of work and potential
hazards found at these sites, extra consideration to project details is not
only warranted but essential to keeping a client in compliance with regulatory
agencies. For further information on
SPCC regulations visit: http://www.epa.gov/oem/content/spcc/index.htm
or 40 CFR 112 for full SPCC plan guidance.
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