Let’s begin by pretending you are the Director of a Parks and Recreation Department. You have a large piece of undeveloped land that was previously on the outskirts of town and will soon be surrounded by new residential neighborhoods. You will need to know how to best develop this space for the members of your community, but even more so how to pay for such developments. Call a Landscape Architect to develop a Master Plan- a pretty picture to show the community how the overall space may be developed, and more importantly how it could be developed into future phases. The Landscape Architect will put together a budget that accompanies the Master Plan that you can use to seek grant funding to make this park a realization.
On the opposite spectrum, pretend you are a Manager for a
private healthcare company and you have a new assisted living facility being
built. You know exactly the type of client you are providing for and what types
of activities you need to provide for them. Calling a Landscape Architect to
work with your Architect in preliminary design phases will ensure that the
necessary outdoor spaces for the facility connect seamlessly to the indoor
What if you are a City Planner and the City has challenged
you with leading a downtown renovation project? Calling a Landscape Architect
to work side-by-side with your Engineer will result in a beautiful aesthetic
for your streetscape, but also means that this will be attained in a way that
incorporates sustainable practices. What once was a hot, oversized and
uninviting sidewalk now has the potential to be a pedestrian-friendly sidewalk
with seating and a street-side tree planter that both provides shade and catches/helps
to filter runoff. The Landscape Architect will see to it that project drawings
will include the specific details a contractor needs to make this project a
Now, you are a private landowner. You have invested in several acres of land
that you would like to develop into housing, but still maintain the character
of the site that includes rolling hills, lakes and wooded groves. Your first call should be to a Landscape
Architect who will conduct a detailed analysis of the site and can help
determine the most efficient use of the land while still maintaining the
character of the site. Lots and roads will be laid out to maximize development
potential while consciously protecting the site’s natural amenities and maybe
realizing the potential to create additional green spaces for future native
plant and wildlife habitats.
No matter who you might be, a Landscape Architect is a key member
of your team throughout the entire design process and remains around throughout
project installation. A Landscape Architect will ensure that the project is installed
per the plans, and can even be hired for post construction services to ensure that
a project functions properly and is maintained as it should be.
So, what are you waiting for? Call one of our Landscape Architects
today at 309.689.9888 to create your memorable space.
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